Fulton 2.10
Posted on November 15, 20172.48.* Verify that for any -module homomorphism and are submodules of and respectively. Show that is exact.
The map is surjective by definition and similarly is the inclusion map and therefore injective.
2.49.* (a) Let be a submodule of the natural homomorphism. Suppose is a homomorphism of -modules, and Show that there is a unique homomorphism such that
See Lemma 1.
(b) If and are submodules of a module with then there are natural homomorphisms from onto and from into Show that the resulting sequence is exact (“Second Noether Isomorphism Theorem”).
The map is the natural inclusion map. The map exists by part (a). Again by part (a) where is the natural homomorphism. Thus the sequence is exact.
(c) Let be vector spaces, with finite dimensional. Then
Observe that is exact by part (b). The result then follows by Proposition 7.
(d) If are ideals in a ring there is a natural exact sequence of -modules:
Note that ideals of a ring are clearly -submodules of Therefore the result follows from part (b).
(e) If is a local ring with maximal ideal there is a natural exact sequence of -modules
Observe that Thus the result follows by part (d).
2.50.* Let be a DVR satisfying the conditions of Problem 2.30. Then is an -module, and so also a -module, since
(a) Show that for all
By (b) has dimension over Moreover, by 2.49(e), the following sequence is exact Thus, by Proposition 7,
(b) Show that for all
By Problem 2.30 where is the uniformizing parameter. Therefore has spanning linearly indpendent set
(c) Let Show that if and hence that
If then and
2.51. Let be an exact sequence of finite-dimensional vector spaces. Show that
For the statment is trivial. Proposition 7 proves the statement for such sequences with Suppose and the statement holds for all such exact sequences of length less than (and at least 2). For let be the homomorphism from the exact sequence. Define Then are exact. The second sequence gives us that Therefore, by the first sequence,
2.52.* Let be submodules of a module Show that the subgroup is a submodule of Show that there is a natural -module isomomrphism of onto (“First Noether Isomorphism Theorem”).
Observe that for if and only if Thus the map defined by is a well defined injective -module homomorphism. Moreover, if then for some So So is surjective.
2.53.* Let be a vector space, a subspace, a one-to-one linear map such that and assume and are finite dimensional.
(a) Show that induces an isomorphism of with
Let and be the natural homomorphisms. Observe that Thus by Lemma 1, induces an isomorphism
(b) Construct an isomorphism between and and an isomorphism between and
Note that are both submodules of Therefore both results follow from Problem 2.52.
(c) Use Problem 2.49(c) to show that
Observe that is isomorphic to since is an isomorphism. Therefore Note that and is finite dimensional. Therefore by Problem 2.49(c), Similarly, and thus By part (b), yielding the desired equality
(d) Conclude finally that
Observe that by the second isomorphism theorem for modules. Since and are finitely dimensional, Lemma 2.1 implies that is finitely dimensional. Since Problem 2.49(c) shows Moreover, since is finite dimensional and By part (b), By part (c), Therefore