Fulton 1 - Lemmas

Posted on November 15, 2017

Lemma 1. Suppose R,S,T are groups (or rings, modules) and \pi:R\to S, \varphi:R\to T are group (or ring, module) homomorphisms such that \ker\pi\subset\ker\varphi. Then there exists an induced homomorphism \widetilde{\varphi}:\pi(R)\to T such that \widetilde{\varphi}\circ\pi=\varphi. Moreover, \ker\widetilde{\varphi}=\pi(\ker\varphi).

Suppose a,b\in R such that \pi(a)=\pi(b). Then a-b\in\ker\pi\subset\ker\varphi. So a+\ker\varphi=b+\ker\varphi and \varphi(a)=\varphi(b). Thus the map \widetilde{\varphi}:\pi(R)\to T defined by \pi(a)\mapsto\varphi(a) is well defined homomorphism.

Lemma 2. If R is a PID then the prime ideals of R[X] are precisely those of the form (0), (F(X)) where F is irreducible, and (P, F(X)) where P is a prime ideal and F(X) + P is irreducible over (R/P)[X].

Let I be a non-zero prime ideal of R[X].

Suppose J=I\cap R\ne \{0\}. Then  R[X]/I\cong (R[X]/J[X])/(I/J[X])\cong(R/J)[X]/(I/(J[X])). Since R/J is a field, (R/J)[X] is a Euclidean Domain. Thus I/(J[X])=(F(X)+J[X]) for some F\in R[X], of minumum degree, such that F+J[X] is irreducible over (R/J)[X]. Therefore I=(J, F(X)).

Suppose I\cap R=\{0\}. Let F\in I be of minimum degree. Suppose G\in I such that \text{gcd}(F,G)=1. By Gauss’ Lemma \text{gcd}(F,G)=1 in K[X] where K is the field of fractions of R. Since K[X] is a Euclidean domain, there exist A,B\in K[X] such that A(X)F(X)+B(X)G(X)=1\in K[X]. If we let \alpha\in R\setminus\{0\} be a common denominator for the coefficients of A,B then \alpha A(X)F(X)+\alpha B(X)G(X)=\alpha. Therefore \alpha\in I, a contradiction. Thus F\mid G for all G\in I. So I=(F).