Fulton 1.5

Posted on November 15, 2017

1.23. Give an example of a collection of ideals \mathcal{P} ideals in a Noetherian ring such that no maximal member of \mathcal{P} is a maximal ideal.

Take \mathcal{P}=\{(x^n) \ | \ n > 0\} and note all ideals in \mathcal{P} are properly contained in the maximal ideal (x,2).

1.24. Show that every proper ideal in a Noetherian ring is contained in a maximal ideal.

Let P be a prime ideal in a Noetherian ring R. Let      \mathcal{P}=\{I\subset R \ |         \ I \text{ is an ideal, } P\subset I\} The maximal element of \mathcal{P} is a maximal ideal of R.

Let I be a non-zero prime ideal of R[X].

Suppose J=I\cap R\ne \{0\}. Then  R[X]/I\cong (R[X]/J[X])/(I/J[X])\cong(R/J)[X]/(I/(J[X])). Since R/J is a field, (R/J)[X] is a Euclidean Domain. Thus I/(J[X])=(F(X)+J[X]) for some F\in R[X], of minumum degree, such that F+J[X] is irreducible over (R/J)[X]. Therefore I=(J, F(X)).

Suppose I\cap R=\{0\}. Let F\in I be of minimum degree. Suppose G\in I such that \text{gcd}(F,G)=1. By Gauss’ Lemma \text{gcd}(F,G)=1 in K[X] where K is the field of fractions of R. Since K[X] is a Euclidean domain, there exist A,B\in K[X] such that A(X)F(X)+B(X)G(X)=1\in K[X]. If we let \alpha\in R\setminus\{0\} be a common denominator for the coefficients of A,B then \alpha A(X)F(X)+\alpha B(X)G(X)=\alpha. Therefore \alpha\in I, a contradiction. Thus F\mid G for all G\in I. So I=(F).

1.25. (a) Show that V(Y-X^2)\subset\mathbb{A}^2(\mathbb{C}) is irreducible, in fact, I(V(Y-X^2))=(Y-X^2).

Note Y-X^2 is irreducible in \mathbb{C}(Y)[X]. Thus by Gauss’ lemma Y-X^2 is reducible in \mathbb{C}[Y][X]=\mathbb{C}[X,Y].

(b) Decompose V(Y^4-X^2,Y^4-X^2Y^2+XY^2-X^3)\subset\mathbb{A}^2(\mathbb{C}) into irreducible components.

Let V=V(Y^4-X^2,Y^4-X^2Y^2+XY^2-X^3). Observe Y^4-X^2=(Y^2-X)(Y^2+X) and Y^4-X^2Y^2+XY^2-X^3=(Y^2-X^2)(Y^2+X) =(Y-X)(Y+X)(Y^2+X). Thus      V = V(Y^2-X,(Y-X)(Y+X))\cup V(Y^2+X). Observe if Y-X=0 or Y+X=0 then Y^2=X^2. So X^2-X=0 and X=0 or 1.  \begin{aligned}[t]     V(Y^2-X,(Y-X)(Y+X))&=V(X,Y)\cup V(X-1,Y^2-1)\\     &=V(X,Y)\cup V(X-1,Y-1)\cup V(X-1,Y+1). \end{aligned} By lemma 2, these are each irreducible varieties. Thus     V=V(X,Y)\cup V(X-1,Y-1)\cup V(X-1,Y+1)\cup V(Y^2+X).

1.26. Show that F=Y^2+X^2(X-1)^2\in\mathbb{R}[X,Y] is an irreducible polynomial, but V(F) is reducible.

Observe Y^2+X^2(X-1)^2 is irreducible in k(Y)[X] and thus irreducible in k[X,Y]. However, V(F)=\{(0,0),(1,0)\}=V(X, Y)\cup V(X-1, Y).

1.27. Let V,W be algebraic sets in \mathbb{A}^n(k) with V\subset W. Show that each irreducible component of V is contained in some irreducible component of W.

Let V=V_1\cup\ldots\cup V_n and W=W_1\cup\ldots\cup W_m be the decomposition of each into irreducible algebraic sets. Let i\in\{1,\ldots,n\}. Suppose V_i \not\subset W_j for any j\in\{1,\ldots,m\}. Then since V\subset W it must be that V_i\subset \left(\bigcup_{k} W_{j_k}\right). But then (V_i\cap W_{j_1}),\ldots,(V_i\cap W_{j_k} is a decomposition of V_i into proper algebraic subsets, a contradiction.

1.28. If V=V_1\cup\ldots\cup V_r is the decomposition of an algebraic set into irreducible components, show that V_i\not\subset\bigcup_j\ne i V_j.

Suppose V_i\subset V_j for some j\ne i. Then V_i\cap V_j and V_i\cap\left(\bigcup_{k\ne j}V_k\right) is a decomposition of V_i into proper algebraic subsets, a contradiction.

1.29.* Show that \mathbb{A}^n(k) is irreducible if k is infinite.

Suppose k is an infinite field. Suppose \mathbb{A}^k=V_1\cup V_2. Then V_1\subset V(F) and V_2\subset V(G) for some nonzero F,G\in k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]. So \mathbb{A}^k= V(F)\cup V(G)=V(FG). By Problem 1.4, FG=0, thus F=0 or G=0, a contradiction.