Fulton 1.10

Posted on November 15, 2017

Proposition 4. If a field L is a ring finite over a subfield K, then L is module finite, and hence algebraic over K.

We provide a detailed proof below to clarify Fulton’s proof.

Suppose a field L is ring finite over a subfield K, that is, L=K[v_1,\ldots,v_n] for v_1,\ldots,v_n\in L. We proceed by induction on n, the ring dimension of L over K.

Suppose n=1, that is L=K[v]. Let us define \varphi:K[X]\to K[v] by X\mapsto v. Since K[X] is a PID, \ker\varphi=(F) for some F\in K[X]. Since K[X]/(F)=L is a field, (F) is maximal. if F=0, K[X]\cong K[v]=L and therefore K(X)\cong K[X], a contradiction by Problem 1.44. Thus F\ne 0 and F(v)=0. So v is algebraic over K and L=K[v] is module finite over K by Proposition 3.

Suppose the proposition holds for all m such that 1\le m <n. Observe that      L=K[v_1,\ldots,v_{n+1}]= K(v_{n+1})[v_1,\ldots,v_n]. Thus by the inductive hypothesis, L is module finite over K(v_{n+1}). It suffices to show v_{n+1} is algebraic over K.

Observe that for each i\in\{1,\ldots,n\} there exists F_i\in K(v_{n+1})[X], with F_i(X)=X^{m_i}+a_{i,m_i-1}X^{m_i-1}+\ldots+a_{i,0}, such that F_i(v_i)=0. Observe that there exists a\in K[v_{n+1}] such that aa_{i,j}\in K[v_{n+1}] for all i,j. For each i note that      0=a^{m_i}F_i(v_i)         =(av_i)^{m_i}+aa_{i,m_i-1}(av_i)^{m_i-1}+\ldots+a^{m_i}a_{i,0}=G(av_i). By our selection of a, observe that G\in K[v_{n+1}][X]. So av_i is integral over K[v_{n+1}] for each i. Therefore K[av_1,\ldots,av_n,v_{n+1}] is integral over K[v_{n+1}]. Moreover, for each z\in L=K[v_1,\ldots,v_{n+1}] there exists m>0 such that a^mz\in K[av_1,\ldots,av_n,v_{n+1}]. In particular this is true for K(v_{n+1})\subset L.

Suppose v_{n+1} is transcendental over K. Then K(v_{n+1})\cong K(X). But the existence of a is a contradiction to Problem 1.49(b). Thus v_{n+1} is algebraic over K and L is module finite over K.

1.51.* Let K be a field, F\in K[X] an irreducible polynomial of degree n>0.

(a) Show that L=K[X]/(F) is a field, and if x is residue of X in L, then F(x)=0.

Since K[X] is a PID, (F) is maximal and K[X]/(F) is a field. Let \varphi be the homomorphism K[X]\to K[X]/(F). Observe that F(x)=F(\varphi(X))=\varphi(F(X))=0.

(b) Suppose L&39; is a field extension of K, y\in L&39; such that F(y)=0. Show the homomorphism \varphi:K[X]\to L&39; defined by X\mapsto y induces an isomorphism L\to K(y).

Since F(y)=0, (F)\subset\ker\varphi. Thus by Lemma 1.1 there exists an induced homomorphism \widetilde{\varphi}:L\to K(y). Now suppose \ker\varphi\ne (F). Then \ker\varphi=K[X] since (F) is maximal, a contradiction. Thus \ker\varphi=(F) and thus \widetilde{\varphi} is an injective homomorphism. Moroever, \widetilde{\varphi}(L)=\varphi(K[X]) is a subfield of K(y) containing K and y. So \widetilde{\varphi}(L)=K(y) and \widetilde{\varphi} is an isomorphism.

(c) With L&39;, y as in (b), suppose G\in K[X] and G(y)=0. Show that F divides G.

Observe that G\in\ker\varphi=(F). So F\mid G.

(d) Show that F=(X-x)F_1, F_1\in L[X].

Observe that X-x is irreducible in L[X] and F(x)=0. By (c), X-x\mid F.

1.52. Let K be a field and F\in K[X]. Show there is a field L containing K such that F=\prod_{i=1}^n(X-x_i)\in L[X].

Assume F is monic. Let us proceed by induction on n, the degree of F.

If n=1 then F=X-x, x\in K.

Suppose the statement is true for all monic polynomials in K[X] of degree less than n. If F is reducible, the statement follows by the inductive hyptothesis. Suppose F is irreducible. Then L=K[X]/(F) is a field. Let x be the image of X in L. Then F(x)=0 in L, so F=G(X-x) for some G\in L[X] of degree less than n. Thus by the inductive hypothesis, there exists an extension field M of L such that the statemenet holds. But since L is an extension field of K, M is also an extension field of K.

1.53.* Suppose K is a field of characteristic zero, and F is an irreducible polynomial in K[X] of degree n>0. Let L be a splitting field of F, so F=\prod_{i=1}^n(X-x_i), x_i\in L. Show the x_i are distinct.

Suppose some of the x_i’s are equal, that is, there exists x\in L such that (X-x)^m\mid F for some m>1. Then F=(X-x)^mG for some G\in L[X]. Observe F_X=m(X-x)^{m-1}G+(X-x)^mG_X. Since K is of characteristic zero, F_X\ne 0. Observe F_X(X)=0. By Problem 1.51(c), this implies F\mid F_X, a contradiction since 0<\deg F_X<\deg F.

1.54.* Let R be a domain with quotient field K, and let L be a finite algebraic extension of K.

(a) For any v\in L show there is a nonzero a\in R such that av is integral over R.

Let v\in L. Then v^n+a_{n-1}v^{n-1}+\ldots+a_0=0, for a_i\in K. Let a be the common denominator of a_0,\ldots,a_{n-1}. Then (av)^n+aa_{n-1}(av)^{n-1}+ \ldots+a^na_0=0. Thus av is integral over R.

(b) Show that there is a basis v_1,\ldots,v_n or L over K such that each v_i is integral over R.

Let w_1,\ldots,w_n be a basis for L over K. By (a) there exist a_1,\ldots, a_n such that a_1w_1,\ldots,a_nw_n are all integral over R. Let v\in L. Then v=\sum_{i=1}^nb_iw_i, for b_i\in K. So v=\sum_{i=1}^nb_ia_i^{-1}(a_iw_i). So a_1w_1,\ldots,a_nw_n spans L and hence is a basis for L over K.