Hartshorne II.2

Posted on June 16, 2019

2.1. Let \varphi:A\to A_f be the natural homomorphism given by a\mapsto a/1. Observe that \varphi induces a bijection between the ideals of A not containing f and the ideals of A_f via the identification \mathfrak{a}\mapsto\varphi(\mathfrak{a})A_f with inverse \mathfrak{b}\mapsto\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{b}). This identification also identifies prime ideals with prime ideals and therefore defines a bijection \psi:D(f)\to\text{Spec}(A_f). Moreover, by our observations above, \psi and \psi^{-1} each send closed sets to closed sets. Hence \psi is a homeomorphism.

It remains to show that we have a morphism \psi^{\#}:\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(A_f)}\to\psi_*\mathscr{O}_X|_{D(f)}. Observe that for g/f^{n}\in A_f the set D(g/f^{n})\subset\text{Spec}(A_f) is equal to D(g/1)\subset\text{Spec}(A_f) and (A_{f})_{g/f^n}\cong A_{fg}. Note D(g/1)=D(f) if g\in (f). The basic open sets of D(f) are precisely the sets D(g)\cap D(f) for g\in A and D(g)\cap D(f)=D(f) when g\in (f). Thus \psi identifies the basic open sets of D(f) with the basic open sets of \text{Spec}(A_f). Moreover,      \mathscr{O}_X|_{D(f)}(D(g))\cong     A_{fg}\cong\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(A_f)}(D(g/1)) and these isomorphisms are uniquely determined from the natural isomorphism \Gamma(D(f),\mathscr{O}_X|_{D(f)})\cong \Gamma(\text{Spec}(A_f),\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(A_f)}. These isomorphisms define      \psi^{\#}(D(g)):\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(A_f)}(D(g/1))\to     \psi_*(\mathscr{O}_X|_{D(f)})(D(g/1)=\mathscr{O}_X|_{D(f)}(D(g)) and thus they glue to define \psi^{\#}(U) for all open sets. Since each is an isomorphism, \psi^{\#}_{\mathfrak{a}} is clearly a local homomorphism of local rings for each \mathfrak{a}\in\text{Spec}(A_f).

2.2. Let \{U_\alpha\} be an affine open cover for X with U_\alpha\cong\text{Spec}(A^\alpha). Observe that U\cap U_\alpha is an open subset of U_\alpha and hence U\cap U_\alpha=\bigcup_{\beta} U_{\alpha,\beta} such that for each \beta we have U_{\alpha,\beta}\cong D(f_{\alpha,\beta})\subseteq\text{Spec}(A_{f_\alpha}) with f_{\alpha,\beta}\in A^\alpha. From proposition 2.2 we know D(f_{\alpha,\beta})\cong\text{Spec}(A^\alpha_{f_{\alpha,\beta}}). Therefore U=\bigcup_{\alpha,\beta}U_{\alpha,\beta} and \{U_{\alpha,\beta}\} is an affine open cover of U. Therefore (U,\mathscr{O}_X|_U) is a scheme.

Lemma 1. Suppose that X is a topological space, \mathscr{P} is a presheaf on X, \mathcal{B} is a basis for the topology on X, and \mathscr{P} is a \mathcal{B}-sheaf. Then \mathscr{P}^{+} is isomorphic to the sheaf generated by \mathscr{P} as a \mathcal{B}-sheaf. See Eisenbud proposition I-12 and exercise I-13 for information on \mathcal{B}-sheaves.

It suffices to observe that f(B):\mathscr{P}(B)\to\mathscr{P}^{+}(B) is an isomorphism for each set B\in\mathcal{B}. Clearly the map f(B) is surjective for each B\in\mathcal{B} by definition and it is given by mapping a section s\in\mathscr{P}(B) to the function B\to\bigsqcup_{P\in B}\mathscr{P}_P given by P\mapsto s_P (see proposition 1.2).

It remains to show that f(B) is injective for each B. Suppose that s,t\in\mathscr{P}(B) are such that f(B)(s)=f(B)(t). Then s_P=t_P for all P\in B. Thus for each P\in B there exists an open set U_P\subset B containing P such that s|_{U_P}=t|_{U_P}. Since \mathcal{B} is a basis, we may pic a basis set B_P\subset U_P containing P. Therefore for each P\in B there exists a basic open set B_P\in\mathcal{B} containing P such that s|_{B_P}=t|_{B_P}. Therefore s=t since \mathscr{P} is a \mathcal{B}-sheaf.

Corollary 2. Suppose that X is a topological space, \mathscr{F} is a sheaf on X, and \mathscr{P} is a presheaf on X that forms a \mathcal{B}-sheaf on some basis \mathcal{B} of X. If f:\mathscr{P}\to\mathscr{F} is a map of \mathcal{B}-sheaves (i.e. a collection of maps f(B) for each B\in\mathcal{B}, compatible with restrictions) such that f(B) is an isomorphism for each B\in\mathcal{B}, then there exists a induced map \mathscr{P}^{+}\to\mathscr{F} that is an isomorphism of sheaves.

Recall that it suffices to define a map of sheaves on a basis. In our case we have a basis \mathcal{B} and a collection of compatible isomorphisms f(B):\mathscr{P}^{+}(B)\to\mathscr{F}(B) for each B\in\mathcal{B}, and therefore define an isomorphism of sheaves \mathscr{P}^{+}\to\mathscr{F}.

2.3.a. Suppose that U\subseteq X is open and s\in\mathcal{O}_X(U). If s^n=0 then s_P^n=0 for each P\in U. Conversely, if s_P^n=0 for some P\in U then there exists an open neighborhood V\subseteq U such that (s|_V)^n=0. Therefore a nilpotent section over an open subset exists if and only if a nilpotent germ exists at a stalk.

2.3.b. Let us first show that for any ring A we have (\text{Spec}(A))_{red}\cong \text{Spec}(A_{\text{red}}). Let \mathcal{R} be the nilradical of A and recall that \mathcal{R} is the intersection of all the prime ideals of A. Thus \mathcal{R} is the unique prime ideal contained in all other prime ideals and if \mathcal{R}\ne (0) then (0) Is not prime. So natural map \varphi:A\to A/\mathcal{R}=A_{\text{red}} gives a bijection between the prime ideals of A. By proposition 2.3c we have a map f:\text{Spec}(A/\mathcal{R})\to\text{Spec}(A) given by f(\mathfrak{p})=\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{p}) and f^{\#}:\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A)}\to f_*\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A/\mathcal{R})} given by localizing \varphi. We also know that f(V(\mathfrak{a}))=V(\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{a})). Thus f is a homeomorphism by our observations about the relationship between the ideals of A and A/\mathcal{R}. For each D(g)\subset \text{Spec}(A) we have f^{\#}(D(g)):A_g\to (A/\mathcal{R})_{\varphi(g)} and (A/\mathcal{R})_{\varphi(g)}=(A_g)_{\text{red}}. Thus f_*\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A/\mathcal{R})}(D(f))\cong \mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A)}(D(f))_{\text{red}}.

Now let (\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A)})_{\text{red}} be the presheaf given by U\mapsto \mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A)}(U)_{\text{red}}. The restriction maps (\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A)})_{\text{red}}(D(f)) \to(\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A)})_{\text{red}}(D(g)), that is (A_{f})_{\text{red}}\to (A_{g})_{\text{red}}, for \sqrt{(g)}\subset\sqrt{(f)} is the map induced by the map A_f\to A_g. Thus (\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A)})_{\text{red}} forms a \mathcal{B}-sheaf on the basis \mathcal{B} of basic open sets, and in fact it is the same \mathcal{B}-sheaf given by f_*\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A/\mathcal{R})} above. Thus by corollary 2 above we have that (\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A)})_{\text{red}}^{+} is isomorphic to f_*\mathcal{O}_{\text{Spec}(A/\mathcal{R})}.

Suppose now that X is an arbitrary scheme and \{U_{\alpha}\} is an affine open cover of X with U_{\alpha}\cong\text{Spec}(A_\alpha). By our work above we see that (U_{\alpha})_{\text{red}}\cong\text{Spec}((A_\alpha)_{\text{red}}) for each \alpha. The sheaves (\mathcal{O}_X|_{U_\alpha})_{\text{red}} agree on basic affine open sets and thus on intersections. Therefore they glue to a sheaf \mathcal{F} on X. Moreover, for each \alpha we see that \mathcal{F}|_{U_\alpha} is clearly equal to the sheaf ((\mathcal{O}_X)_{\text{red}})|_{U_\alpha} given in the problem statement. Thus \mathcal{F}\cong(\mathcal{O}_X)_{\text{red}}. The maps of affine schemes      (U_\alpha,\mathcal{O}_X)\cong\text{Spec}(A_\alpha)\to\text{Spec}((A_\alpha)_{\text{red}})\cong     (U_\alpha,(\mathcal{O}_{X})_{\text{red}}) also agree on intersections and hence glue to a map X\to X_{\text{red}}. The map X\to X_{\text{red}} is a homeomorphism as it is a homeomorphism on each U_\alpha.

2.3.c. We define the morphism g:X\to Y_{\text{red}} by g(\mathfrak{p})=h^{-1}(f(\mathfrak{p})), where h:Y_{\text{red}}\to Y is the morphism from part (b). Note that h is a homeomorphism by part (b), so g makes sense as function and is a continuous map of topological spaces.  \xymatrix{     X\ar[r]^{f}\ar[dr]_{g} & Y\\      & Y_{\text{red}} \ar[u]^{h} } To simplify notation let us identify the topological spaces |Y| and |Y_{\text{red}}| so the morphism h:Y\to Y_{\text{red}} gives a map h^{\#}:\mathcal{O}_{Y}\to(\mathscr{O}_Y)_{\text{red}}. We also have the map f^{\#}:\mathcal{O}_Y\to f_*(\mathcal{O}_X) given by the morphism f. Thus to complete our construction of a morphism g with the desired properties it suffices to show that there exists a pullback map g^{\#}:\mathscr{O}_{Y_{\text{red}}}\to g^*\mathscr{O}_X such that f^{\#}=g^{\#}\circ h^{\#}.

Observe that for U\subseteq X open we have pullback morphism f^{\#}(U):\mathscr{O}_Y(U)\to f_*\mathscr{O}_X(U)=\mathscr{O}_X(f^{-1}(U)).  \xymatrix{     \mathscr{O}_{Y}(U) \ar[d]_{h^{\#}(U)}\ar[dr]^{f^{\#}(U)}         & \\     (\mathscr{O}_{Y})_{\text{red}}(U) \ar[r]_{g^{\#}(U)}         & f_*\mathscr{O}_X(U). } Moreover, since \mathscr{O}_X is reduced, \mathscr{O}_X(f^{-1}(U)) is reduced. So the kernel of f^{\#}(U) must contain the nilradical of \mathscr{O}_Y(U). Thus it contains the kernel of h^{\#}(U): \mathscr{O}_Y(U)\to\mathscr{O}_{Y_{\text{red}}}(U). So there exists a unique homomorphism g^{\#}(U):\mathscr{O}_{Y_{\text{red}}}(U)\to f_*\mathscr{O}_X such that f^{\#}(U)=g^{\#}(U)\circ h^{\#}(U). The diagram also commutes with restriction U\to V for V\subseteq U and therefore defines a morphism g^{\#}:\mathscr{O}_Y\to f_*\mathscr{O}_X such that f^{\#}=g^{\#}\circ h^{\#}. With our identification of |Y| and |Y_{\text{red}}| we have that f_*\mathscr{O}_X=g_*\mathscr{O}_X. Thus our construction above defines a morphism g^{\#}:(\mathscr{O}_{Y})_{\text{red}}\to g_*\mathscr{O}_X that gives a local homomorphism of local rings and thus (g,g^{\#}) define a morphism of schemes.

2.4. Let us first show the result for affine schemes (this is actually already done in Hartshorne in proposition 2.3c).

Suppose that \varphi:A\to B is a ring homomorphism. Then we may define a map f:\text{Spec}(B)\to\text{Spec}(A) by \mathfrak{p}\mapsto\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{p}). Observe that f^{-1}(V(\mathfrak{a}))=V(\varphi(\mathfrak{a})) so f is continuous. Observe that for D(g)\subset\text{Spec}(A) we have \mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(A)}(D(g))\cong A_f. Moreover,      \begin{aligned}[t]         f_*\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(B)}(D(g))             &=\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(B)}(f^{-1}(D(g))\\             &=\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(B)}(D(\varphi(g)))\\             &\cong B_{\varphi(g)}.     \end{aligned} We therefore define f^{\#}(D_f):A_f\to B_{\varphi(g)} to be the map induced by \varphi:A\to B. These glue to define a morphism f^{\#}:\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(A)}\to f_*\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(B)} with f^{\#}(\text{Spec}(A))=\varphi.

In order to show that \varphi defines a morphism of schemes it remains to show that f^{\#}_{f(\mathfrak{p})}:\mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(A),f(\mathfrak{p})}\to \mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(B),\mathfrak{p}} is a local homomorphism of local rings for each prime ideal \mathfrak{p}\subseteq B. Observe that \mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(A),f(\mathfrak{p})}\cong A_{\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})}, \mathscr{O}_{\text{Spec}(B),\mathfrak{p}}\cong B_{\mathfrak{p}}, and f^{\#}_{f(\mathfrak{p})}:A_{\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})}\to B_{\mathfrak{p}} is given by s/t\mapsto\varphi(s)/\varphi(t). Thus      \begin{aligned}[t]     (f^{\#}_{f(\mathfrak{p})})^{-1}(\mathfrak{m}_{\mathfrak{p}})&=         \{s/t\in A_{\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})} \, : \,         \varphi(s)/\varphi(t)\in\mathfrak{m}_{\mathfrak{p}}\}\\         &=\{s/t\in A_{\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})} \, : \,             s\in\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})\}\\         &=\mathfrak{m}_{\varphi^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})}.     \end{aligned} So f^{\#}_{f(\mathfrak{p})} is a local homomorphism of local rings for each \mathfrak{p}\in\text{Spec}(B) and f^{\#} is a morphism of schemes.

Suppose conversely that f:\text{Spec}(B)\to\text{Spec}(A) is a morphism of schemes. The first part of our work above shows that the homomorphism f^{\#}(\text{Spec}(A)):A\to B determines the morphism f^{\#}. Moreover, since f^{\#} is a morphism of locally ringed spaces we must have (f^{\#}_{f(\mathfrak{p})})^{-1}(\mathfrak{m}_{\mathfrak{p}}) =\mathfrak{m}_{f({\mathfrak{p}})}. But the map f^{\#}_{f(\mathfrak{p})}:A_{f(\mathfrak{p})}\to B_{\mathfrak{p}} is just the localization of the global map f^{\#}(\text{Spec}(A)):A\to B at f(\mathfrak{p}). Therefore f^{\#}(\text{Spec}(A))^{-1}(\mathfrak{p})=f(\mathfrak{p}). Thus the map f is also determined by the homomorphism f^{\#}(\text{Spec}(A)). Hence there is a bijection      \text{Hom}(\text{Spec}(B),\text{Spec}(A))\cong\text{Hom}(A,B).

Now suppose that X is an arbitrary scheme and \varphi:A\to\Gamma(X,\mathscr{O}_X) is a homomorphism. Let \{U_\alpha\} be an affine open cover of X. The map \varphi:A\to\Gamma(X,\mathscr{O}_X) composed with the restriction map \text{res}_{X,U_\alpha}:\Gamma(X,\mathscr{O}_X)\to\Gamma(U_\alpha,\mathscr{O}_X) is a ring homomorphism \text{res}_{X,U_\alpha}\circ\varphi:A\to\Gamma(U_\alpha, \mathscr{O}_X). Therefore \text{res}_{X,U_\alpha}\circ\varphi determines a unique morphism of affine schemes f_\alpha:U_\alpha\to\text{Spec}(A). Now let \alpha,\beta be distinct indexes. We observe that f_\alpha|_{U_\alpha\cap U_\beta}=f_\beta|_{U_\alpha\cap U_\beta} because for each affine open set V\subset U_\alpha\cap U_\beta we have (f_\alpha|_V)^{\#}(\text{Spec}(A))=\text{res}_{X,V}\circ\varphi, (f_\beta|_V)^{\#}(\text{Spec}(A))=\text{res}_{X,V}\circ\varphi, and we know that since V is affine these ring homomorphisms uniquely determine f_\alpha|_V and f_\beta|_V. Thus the f_\alpha glue to a morphism of schemes f:X\to\text{Spec}(A) corresponding to the homomorphism \varphi.

The argument above also shows that any morphism f:X\to\text{Spec}(A) is determined by f^{\#}(\text{Spec}(A)):A\to\Gamma(X,\mathscr{O}_X) since each morphism of affine schemes f|_{U_\alpha} is determined by \text{res}_{X,U_\alpha}\circ f^{\#}(\text{Spec}(A)). Thus there is a bijection      \text{Hom}(X,\text{Spec}(A))\cong\text{Hom}(A,\Gamma(X,\mathcal{O}_X)).