Fulton 2.6

Posted on November 15, 2017

2.33. Factor Y^3-2XY^2+2X^2Y+X^3 into linear factors in \mathbb{C}[X,Y].

We note that factoring F(X,Y)=Y^3-2XY^2+2X^2Y+X^3 is the same as factoring F(X,1) or F(1,Y). Unfortunately, neither factors nicely, so we will simply note that F(X,Y)=(X-Y\lambda_1)(X-Y\lambda_2)(X-Y\lambda_3), where \lambda_1,\lambda_2,\lambda_3 are the roots to F(X,1) in \mathbb{C}.

2.34. Suppose F,G\in k[X_1,\ldots,X_n] are forms of degree r,r+1 respectively, with no common factors (k a field). Show that F+G is irreducible.

Suppose F+G=HJ for some H,J\in k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]. By Proposition 5, (F+G)^*=X_{n+1}F+G=H^*G^*=(HG)^*. Since X_{n+1}F+G is degree 1 as a polynomial in X_{n+1}, one of H^*,G^* must be of degree 0 as a polynomial in X_{n+1}. Therefore one of H^*,G^* divides F and G and is therefore constant, since F,G share no common factors. Thus one of H,G are constant. Hence F+G is irreducible.

2.35.* (a) Show that there are d+1 monomials of degree d in R[X,Y], and 1+2+\ldots+(d+1)=(d+1)(d+2)/2 monomials of degree d in R[X,Y,Z].

A monomial of degree d in R[X,Y] is of the form X^iY^j, i+j=d. There are d+1 options for i and j=d-i.

A monomial of degree d in R[X,Y,Z] is of the form F_iZ^j where F_i is a monomial of degree i in R[X,Y] and i+j=d. There are i+1 monomials of degree i in R[X,Y]. Thus there are 1+2+\ldots+(d+1)=(d+1)(d+2)/2 monomials of degree d in R[X,Y,Z].

(b) Let V(d,n)=\{\text{forms of degree } d \text{ in } k[X_1,\ldots,X_n]\}, k a field. Show that V(d,n) is a vector space over k, and the monomials of degree d form a basis.

It is immediate that V(d,n) is a vector space with the natural addition and scalar multiplication operations. Clearly the monomials of degree d span V(d,n) and are linearly indpendent over k. Thus they form a basis.

(c) Let L_1,L_2,\ldots and M_1,M_2,\ldots be sequences of nonzero linear forms in k[X,Y], and assume no L_i=\lambda M_j, \lambda\in k. Let A_{ij}=L_1L_2\ldots L_iM_1M_2\ldots M_j, i,j\ge 0 (A_{00}=1). Show that \{A_{ij} \, | \, i+j=d\} forms a basis for V(d,2).

It suffices to show that \{A_{ij} \, | \, i+j=d\} is a linearly independent set.

Suppose to the contrary that   0= \sum_{i+j=d} a_{ij}L_1\ldots L_i M_1\ldots M_j, \ a_{ij}\in k\setminus\{0\}. Then   L_1\ldots L_d=\sum_{i+j=d, j>0} a_{ij}L_1\ldots L_i M_1\ldots M_j. So   L_1\ldots L_d=M_1\sum_{i+j={d-1}} a_{ij}L_1\ldots L_i M_2\ldots M_j. Thus, since L_1,\ldots, L_d, M_1 are all linear, M_1=\lambda L_i, a contradiction.

2.36. With the above notation, show that \dim V(d,n)=\binom{d+n-1}{n-1}.

There are n variables, whose powers must add up to d. This is counted by   \left(\binom{n}{d}\right)=\binom{d+n-1}{n-1}.