Fulton 2.5

Posted on November 15, 2017

2.23.* Show that the order function on K is independent of the choice of uniformizing parameter.

Suppose t,s are uniformizing parameters on R. Note that s=ut, with u a unit. Let z\in K. Observe that z=vt^n, n\in\mathbb{Z}, v a unit in R. So z=vu^{-n}(ut)^n=vu^{-n}s^n.

2.24.* Let V=\mathbb{A}^1, \Gamma(V)=k[X], K=k(V)=k(X).

(a) For each a\in k=V, show that \mathcal{O}_{a}(V) is a DVR, with uniformizing parameter t=X-a.

Recall that all local rings of points are Noetherian and local. Moreover, \mathfrak{m}_{a}(V)=(X-a), so the maximal ideal of \mathfrak{m}_{a}(V) is principal with generator X-a.

(b) Show that \mathcal{O}_{\infty}=\{F/G\in k(X) \ | \ \deg(G)\ge\deg(F)\} is also a DVR, with uniformizing parameter t=1/X.

Observe that F/G\in\mathcal{O}_{\infty} is a unit if and only if \deg(F)=\deg(G). Let F/G\in\mathcal{O}_{\infty}, n=\deg(G)-\deg(F). Then (1/X^n)(FX^n/G)=F/G and FX^n/G is a unit. Therefore 1/X is a uniformizing parameter for \mathcal{O}_{\infty}.

2.25. Let p\in\mathbb{Z} be a prime number. Show \{r\in\mathbb{Q} \ | \ r=a/b, \  a,b\in\mathbb{Z}, \ p\nmid b\} is a DVR with quotient field \mathbb{Q}.

Let r=a/b\in\mathbb{Q} such that p\nmid b. Let c\in\mathbb{Z} such that a=p^nc, n\ge 0, p\nmid c. Then r=p^nc/b and c/b is a unit. Thus the set is a DVR with uniformizing parameter p. Moreover, the quotient field is \{p^na/b \ | \ n,a,b\in\mathbb{Z}, \ p\nmid a, \ p\nmid b\}=\mathbb{Q}.

2.26.* Let R be a DVR with quotient field K; let \mathfrak{m} be the maximal ideal of R.

(a) Show that if z\in K, z\not\in R, z^{-1}\in\mathfrak{m}.

We may write z=ut^n, with u a unit and (t)=\mathfrak{m}\subset R. Since z\not\in R, n<0. Therefore z^{-1}= u^{-1}z^{-n}\in R.

(b) Suppose R\subset S\subset K, and S is also a DVR. Suppose the maximal ideal of S contains \mathfrak{m}. Show that S=R.

Let \mathfrak{m}&39;=(s) be the maximal ideal of S. Suppose s\in R. Then since \mathfrak{m}\subset\mathfrak{m}&39;, \mathfrak{m}&39;= \mathfrak{m} and S=R. Suppose s\not\in R. Then by part (a), s^{-1}\in R\subset S and s is a unit in S, a contradiction.

2.27. Show that the DVR’s of Problem 2.24 are the only DVR’s with quotient field k(X) that contain k.

Suppose R\supset k is a DVR with field of fractions k(X). Let (t)=\mathfrak{m}\subset R be the maximal ideal of R. Observe that we may treat R as a subring of its field of fractions k(X).

Suppose X\in R. Then the inclusion map i:k[X]\hookrightarrow R is a natural injective homomorphism. Moreover, So i^{-1}(\mathfrak{m}) is either k[X] or a maximal ideal of k[X] by Problem 1.22. Thus \mathfrak{m}=(X-a) for some a\in k.

Suppose X\not\in R. Then X=ut^{-n} for some n>0. Since X is not a square, n=1. Therefore 1/X=ut and \mathfrak{m}=(1/X).

Show that those of Problem 2.25 are the only DVR’s with quotient field \mathbb{Q}.

Suppose R is a DVR with field of fractions \mathbb{Q}. Observe that \mathbb{Z}\subset R \subset\mathbb{Q}. Thus the inclusion map i:\mathbb{Z}\to R is a natural injective homomorphism. So i^{-1}(\mathfrak{m}) is a maximal ideal in \mathbb{Z}. Thus \mathfrak{m}=(p) for some prime p.

2.28.* An order function on a field K is a function \varphi from K onto \mathbb{Z}\cup\{\infty\}, satisfying: (1) \varphi(a)=\infty if and only if a=0. (2) \varphi(ab)=\varphi(a)+\varphi(b). (3) \varphi(a+b)\ge\min(\varphi(a),\varphi(b)). Show that R=\{z\in K \ | \ \varphi(z)\ge 0\} is a DVR with maximal ideal \mathfrak{m}=\{z \ | \ \varphi(z)>0\}, and quotient field K. Conversely, show that if R is a DVR with quotient field K, then the function \text{ord}:K\to Z \cup\{\infty\} is an order function on K. Giving a DVR with a quotient field K is equivalent to defining an order function on K.

Suppose \varphi is an order function on a field K and R is the set defined above. Observe that \varphi(1)=\varphi(1\cdot 1)=\varphi(1)+\varphi(1). Thus \varphi(1)=0. Similarly \varphi(-1)=0. Thus for any a\in K, \varphi(a)=\varphi(-a). Thus R is closed under multiplication and addition. Moreover, a is a unit in R, that is a^{-1}\in R, if and only if \varphi(a)=0.

Next we will show that \mathfrak{m} is an ideal. Let a,b\in\mathfrak{m}. Observe that \varphi(a-b)\ge\min(\varphi(a),\varphi(b))>0. So \mathfrak{m} is an additive group. Moreover, if a\in\mathfrak{m}, r\in R, then \varphi(ar)>\varphi(a). So ar\in\mathfrak{m} and \mathfrak{m} is an ideal.

It remains to show that \mathfrak{m} is principal. If \mathfrak{m}=\{0\} then we are done. Suppose \mathfrak{m}\ne\{0\}. Then \phi(\mathfrak{m}\setminus\{0\})\ne\emptyset and, by the well ordering principle, we may select p\in\mathfrak{m}\setminus\{0\} such that for all a\in \mathfrak{m}, \varphi(p)\le \varphi(a). Then for a\in\mathfrak{m}, \varphi(ap^{-1})\ge 0. So a=p(ap^{-1}) and p\mid a. Thus \mathfrak{m}=(p). So R is a DVR.

Converseley suppose that R is a DVR with quotient field K. It is immediate that \text{ord} satisfies (i) and (ii). To see that ord satisfies (iii), see Problem 2.29(a).

2.29.* Let R be a DVR with quotient field K, \text{ord} the order function on K.

(a) If \text{ord}(a)<\text{ord}(b), show that \text{ord}(a+b)=\text{ord}(a).

Let t be the uniformizing parameter for R. Then a=ut^n,b=vt^m with n,m\in\mathbb{Z} and u,v units of R. Suppose without loss of generality that n\le m. Then a+b=t^n(u+vt^{m-n}) and \text{ord}(a+b)=n=\text{ord}(a).

(b) If a_1,\ldots,a_n\in K, and for some i, \text{ord}(a_i)<\text{ord}(a_j) for all j\ne i, then a_1+\ldots+a_n\ne 0.

It suffices to show that for any \text{ord}(a+1+\ldots+a_n)=\min_{1\le i\le n}(\text{ord}(a_i)). If n=2, the statement follows from part (a). Suppose that for n\ge 2, \text{ord}(a_1+\ldots+a_n)=\min_{1\le i\le n}(\text{ord}(a_i))=m\in\mathbb{Z}\cup\{\infty\}. Let a_{n+1}\in K. By part (a), \text{ord}(a_1+\ldots+a_{n+1})=\min(m,\text{ord}(a_{n+1}))= \min_{1\le i\le n+1}(\text{ord}(a_i)).

2.30.* Let R be a DVR with maximal ideal \mathfrak{m}, and quotient field K. Suppose k is a subfield of R, and that the composition k\to R\to R/\mathfrak{m} is an isomorphism.

(a) For any z\in R, show that there is a unique \lambda\in k such that z-\lambda\in\mathfrak{m}.

Let z\in R. Let \pi:R\to R/\mathfrak{m} be the natural homomorphism. Since the composition k\to R\to R/\mathfrak{m} is an isomorphism, there is a unique \lambda\in k such that \pi(z)=\pi(\lambda), that is, z-\lambda\in\mathfrak{m}.

(b) Let t be the uniformizing parameter for R, z\in R. Show that for any n\ge 0 there are unique \lambda_0,\ldots,\lambda_n\in k and z_n\in R such that z=\lambda_0+\lambda_1t+\lambda_2t^2+\ldots+\lambda_nt^n+z_nt^{n+1}.

Let z\in R. By part (a) there exists a unique \lambda_0\in k such that z-\lambda_0\in\mathfrak{m}, that is, z=\lambda_0+z_0t for some z_0\in R. So the statement holds for n=0.

Suppose for n\ge 0 that z=\lambda_0+\ldots+\lambda_nt^n+z_nt^{n+1}. By part (a) there exists \lambda_{n+1}\in k, z_{n+1}\in R such that z_n=\lambda_{n+1}+z_{n+1}t. Thus z=\lambda_0+\ldots+\lambda_nt^n+\lambda_{n+1}t^{n+1}+z_{n+1}t^{n+2}.

It remains to show uniqueness. Suppose z=\lambda_0+\ldots+\lambda_nt^n +z_nt^{n+1}=\sigma_0+\ldots+\sigma_nt^n+w_nt^{n+1}, with \lambda_i,\sigma_i\in k for each i, and z_n,w_n\in R. Then 0=(\lambda_0-\sigma_0)+\ldots+(\lambda_n-\sigma_n)t^n+(z_n-w_n)t^{n+1}. By 2.29b, \lambda_i-\sigma_i=0 for each i, and z_n-w_n=0.

2.31. Let k be a field. The ring of formal power series over k, written k[[X]], is defined to be \{\sum_{i=0}^\infty a_iX^i \, | \, a_i\in k\}. Define the sum by \sum a_i X^i+\sum b_iX^i=\sum (a_i+b_i)X^i, and the product (\sum a_i X^i)(\sum b_i X^i)=\sum c_i X^i, where c_i=\sum_{j+k=i}a_jb_k. Show that k[[X]] is a ring containing k[X] as a subring.

It is simple to verify that k[[X]] is an additive group with additive identity 0, and -\sum a_iX^i=\sum(-a_i)X^i. Note that multiplication is a well defined binary operation on k[[X]] with identity 1. It remains to show that multiplication is associative and distributes over addition. To show associativity observe that  \begin{aligned}[t]  \left(\sum a_iX^i\right)\left(\left(\sum b_iX^i\right)\left(\sum c_iX^i\right)\right)   &=\left(\sum a_iX^i\right)\left(\sum \left(\sum_{j+k=i}b_jc_k\right)X^i\right)\\   &=\left(\sum\left(\sum_{j+k=i}a_j\left(\sum_{l+d=k}b_lc_d\right)\right)X^i\right)\\   &=\left(\sum\left(\sum_{j+l+d=i}a_jb_lc_d\right)X^i\right)\\   &=\left(\sum\left(\sum_{j+k=i}c_j\left(\sum_{l+d=k}a_lb_d\right)\right)X^i\right)\\   &=\left(\sum\left(\sum_{j+k=i}a_jb_k\right)X^i\right)\left(\sum c_iX^i\right)\\   &=\left(\left(\sum a_iX^i\right)\left(\sum b_iX^i\right)\right)\left(\sum c_iX^i\right). \end{aligned} To show multiplication distributes observe that  \begin{aligned}[t] \left(\sum a_iX^i\right)  \left(\sum b_iX^i + \sum c_iX^i\right)  &= \sum\left(\sum_{k=0}^i a_k(b_{i-k}+c_{i-k})\right)X^i\\  &= \sum\left(\sum_{k=0}^i(a_kb_{i-k} + a_kc_{i-k})\right)X^i\\  &= \sum\left(\sum_{k=0}^ia_kb_{i-k}X^i+\sum_{k=0}^ia_kc_{i-k}X^i\right)\\  &= \sum\left(\sum_{k=0}^ia_kb_{i-k}\right)X^i +   \sum\left(\sum_{k=0}^ia_kc_{i-k}\right)X^i\\  &= \left(\sum a_iX^i\right)\left(\sum b_iX^i\right)   + \left(\sum a_iX^i\right)\left(\sum c_iX^i\right). \end{aligned} Finally, note that the definition of multiplication for series agrees with the definition of multiplication for finite sums. Thus we can define an inclusion map k[X]\hookrightarrow k[[x]] by \sum_{i=0}^na_iX^i\mapsto\sum_{i=0}^\infty a_iX^i with a_i=0 for all i> n. So k[[X]] contains a copy of k[X] as a subring.

Show that k[[X]] is a DVR with uniformizing parameter X. Its quotientfield is denoted k((X)).

We will show that every element of k[[X]] may be written as uX^t where u is a unit in k[[X]]. It suffices to show that \sum a_iX^i is a unit if and only if a_0\ne 0.

Suppose \sum a_iX^i\in k[[X]] is a unit, that is, \left(\sum a_iX^i\right)\left(\sum b_iX^i\right)=1. Then it must be that a_0b_0=1, thus a_0,b_0 are each nonzero. Conversely suppose \sum a_iX^i\in k[[X]], a_0\ne 0. Define \sum b_iX^i\in k[[X]] by b_0=a_0^{-1} and b_i=-a_0^{-1}\sum_{k=1}^i a_kb_{i-k} for i>0. Observe that  \begin{aligned}[t] \left(\sum a_iX^i\right)\left(\sum b_iX^i\right)  &= \sum_{i=0}^\infty\left(\sum_{k=0}^i a_kb_{i-k}\right)X^i\\  &=a_0a_0^{-1} + \sum_{i=1}^\infty\left(a_0b_i + \sum_{k=1}^i a_kb_{i-k}\right)X^i\\  &= 1 + \sum_{i=1}^\infty\left(a_0\left(-a_0^{-1}\sum_{k=1}^i a_kb_{i-k}\right)   +\sum_{k=1}^i a_kb_{i-k}\right)X^i\\  &= 1 + \sum_{i=1}^\infty\left(-\sum_{k=1}^i a_kb_{i-k}   +\sum_{k=1}^i a_kb_{i-k}\right)X^i\\  &= 1. \end{aligned}

2.32. Let R be a DVR satisfying the conditions of Problem 2.30. Any z\in R then determines a power series \lambda_iX^i, if \lambda_0,\lambda_1, \ldots are deetermined as in Problem 2.30(b).

(a) Show that the map z\mapsto\sum\lambda_i X^i is a one-to-one ring homomorphism of R into k[[X]]. We often write z=\sum\lambda t^i, and call this the power series expansion of z in terms of t.

Let \varphi:R\to k[[X]] be the map defined above. Let z,w\in R, \varphi(z)=\sum\lambda_i X^i, \varphi(w)=\sum\sigma_i X^i. If z=w then \lambda_i=\sigma_i for each i. Conversely, if \lambda_k\ne\sigma_k for some k then z\ne w; in fact, z-w=z_kt^{k}, z_k\in R, and \text{ord}(z-w)=k. Thus the map is well defined and one-to-one.

It remains to show that \varphi is a homomorphism. Let z,w\in R, and write z=\lambda_0+\ldots+\lambda_kt^k+z_{k+1}t^{k+1}, w=\sigma_0+\ldots+\sigma_kt^k+w_{k+1}t^{k+1}, with \lambda_0,\ldots,\lambda_k,\sigma_0,\ldots,\sigma_k\in k and z_{k+1},w_{k+1}\in R. Then  \begin{aligned}[t] zw &= (\lambda_0+\ldots+\lambda_kt^k+z_{k+1}t^{k+1})(\sigma_0+\ldots+\sigma_kt^k+w_{k+1}t^{k+1})\\  &= \lambda_0\sigma_0+\left(\sum_{j+l=1}\lambda_j\sigma_l\right)t+\ldots+\left(\sum_{j+l=k}\lambda_j\sigma_l\right)t^k+(\ldots)t^{k+1}. \end{aligned} By the uniqueness of coefficients in Problem 2.30, this shows that if zw=\gamma_0+\ldots+\gamma_kt^k+h_{k+1}t^{k+1}, with \gamma_0,\ldots,\gamma_k\in k, h_{k+1}\in R, then \gamma_i=\sum_{j+l=i}\lambda_j\sigma_l. So \varphi(zw)=\varphi(z)\varphi(w).

(b) Show that the homomorphism extends to a homomorphism of K into k((X)), and that the order function on k((X)) restricts to that on K.

Let z\in K\setminus R. Since z^{-1}\in R, we naturally extend \phi by defining \phi(z)=\phi(z^{-1})^{-1}. Since \phi is injective on R, this extension is a well defined injective homomorphism K\hookrightarrow k((X)).

It suffices to show \text{ord}_R(z)=\text{ord}_{k[[X]]}(\phi(z)) for all z\in R. But this is clealy the case since \text{ord}_R(z)=k, \text{ord}_{k[[X]]}(\phi(z))=k, where k is the least integer such that \lambda_k\ne 0.

(c) Let a=0 in Problem 2.24, t=X. Find the power series expansion of z=(1-X)^{-1} and of (1-X)(1+X^2)^{-1} in terms of t.

Note that (1-X), (1-X)(1+X^)\not\in\mathfrak{m}_{0}=(X), so they are invertible. By our explicit construction of the power series inverses in Problem 2.31, we find   (1-X)^{-1}=\sum X^i, \ (1+X^2)^{-1}=\sum(-1)^iX^{2i}. Therefore   (1-X)(1+X^2)^{-1}=\sum(-1)^iX^{2i}-\sum(-1)^iX^{2i+1}   =\sum (-1)^{\lceil i/2\rceil}X^i.