Fulton 1.7
Posted on November 15, 20171.32. Show that both the weak and strong Nullstellensatz and all of the corollaries are false if is not algebraically closed.
For the Weak Nullstellensatz, observe is a proper ideal but
For the Strong Nullstellensatz, consider Problem 1.26. Let Note Thus This is also a counterexample to Corollary 1.
For Corollaries 2 and 3 we again consider Problem 1.26. Observe is irreducible, so is prime. But Let Additionally if then is a maximal ideal but
For Corollary 4 let Above we saw However, has the infinite linearly independent subset
1.33 (a) Decompose into irreducible components.
Observe that Therefore If we have So The same is true if Therefore Observe We may observe that is irreducible over Therefore is an integral domain and is a prime ideal. So is irreducible. A similar argument follows for
(b) Let Find and show that is irreducible.
Note that We will show that is a prime ideal by showing that is an integral domain. Observe The first equality follows from the third isomorphism theorem (numbering from Dummit and Foote). The second equality follows from the homomorphism The final equality follows from the homomorphism
1.34. Let be a UFD.
(a) Show a monic polynomial of degree two or three in is irreducible if and only if it has no roots in
Let with
Suppose are nonconstant such that Note that and must be monic. Since one of or must be Therefore one is of the form So is a root of
Suppose is a root of Then by the division algorithm there exists such that
(b) The polynomial is irreducible if and only if is not a square in
Note that has a root in if and only if is a square in Therefore the result follows from part (a).
1.35. Show that is an irreducible curve for any algebraically closed field and any
Note has no root in and therefore it is irreducible over
1.36. Let Find and
Note that Thus since it is easy to see Observe that is spanned by the linearly independent set
1.37. Let be any field, of degree Show the residues for a basis for
Let Then By induction, is a linear combination of the linearly independent set
1.38.* Let algebraically closed, Show that there is a natural one-to-one correspondence between algebraic subsets of and radical ideals in and that irreducible algebraic sets (resp. points) correspond to prime ideals (resp. maximal ideals).
Let be an algebraic set. Then is a radical ideal in such that Thus by Problem 22 (the Fourth Isomorphism Theorem in Dummit and Foote), is a radical ideal in
Similarly, if is a radical ideal in then is a radical ideal in with Thus
We prove the final statements by noting that an ideal in is prime (resp. maximal) if and only if is prime (resp. maximal) in
1.39. (a) Let be a UFD, and let be a principal proper prime ideal. Show that there is no prime ideal such that
Suppose is a prime ideal. Let Let with irreducible. For any note that if then for some unit
Suppose, with renumbering, that and were Note that since Moreover, since it must be that But for some unit So it must be that But is prime, so therefore Thus
(b) Let be irreducible. Show that there is no irreducible algebraic set such that
Observe if is reducible then, by Corollary 4, and is prime. If then Therefore by part (a) or
Bonus (Exercise 1.9 from Gathman’s notes). Prove that every affine variety consisting of finitely many points is the zero locus of polynomials.
Note. For this exercise I used more standard notation (lowercase for polynomials, etc.) to match the notation used by Gathmann.
Let with each We will define such that
Let Define
Let Define the polynomial Suppose that is, for some Then for all and
Let Define the polynomial Suppose that is, for some Then for all and Therefore Thus
1.40. Let Define by and
(a) Show that every element of is the residue of an element for soem
Observe that and Thus for we may write and as the residue of a polynomial in
(b) If such that show
We may factor out ’s to find Observe and have no integer solutions. Thus it must be that
(c) Show that so is prime, is irreducible, and
By (b) we know It remains to show Observe and Thus if and
Since by the first isomorphism theorem Since is an integral domain, so is ; therefore is prime. Thus is irreducible and